It is my great pleasure to bring you the latest seasonal flipbook, Entertablement’s Seasonal Quarterly Summer 2022. As before, this is a complimentary offering for your enjoyment.

I had all kinds of fun putting it together, with lots of summer-themed table settings, and recipes featuring the best of summer produce.

We also take an armchair trip to the Royal Pavilion in Brighton, the summer home of the Prince Regent, later King George IV, the man for whom the much-loved Regency Period is named. Below is one of the watercolour drawings produced by the architect, John Nash in 1836 after the building was completed.

Here it is today. It’s quite something, isn’t it?

Royal Pavilion in Brighton, England


If you haven’t had a chance to see the previous three quarterlies, the links are below, both in the text and by clicking on the image.

The Spring Quarterly 2022

The Winter Quarterly 2021

The Autumn Quarterly 2021



