The best tablescapes are joyful, with unexpected details or touches of humour to enchant the diners. Rachel Kozlowski has produced dozens of Dapper Animal plates for West Elm. These Christmas plates have endless scope for fun.

West Elm Dapper Animals Christmas with Croquembouche

Our entire family are animal lovers, and nothing pleases the little ones more than seeing plates or napkins featuring their favourite creatures.

West Elm Dapper Animals Christmas with Croquembouche

This table comprises eight Dapper Animal Christmas plates, two series of four (all purchased from eBay). All of them feature animals in sweaters or jackets. This set of four is surrounded by colourful ornaments and what I assume are snowflakes. At first, I thought this otter was holding the bones of a (very long) dismembered fish. Then I realized it was a garland of some sort.

West Elm Dapper Animals Christmas with Croquembouche

A handsome snow leopard has a perfectly balanced stack of gifts.

West Elm Dapper Animals Christmas with Croquembouche

A snowy owl sports a cheerful Fairisle pullover.

West Elm Dapper Animals Christmas with Croquembouche

A white wolf (or Husky) wears a somewhat professorial sweater with elbow patches.

West Elm Dapper Animals Christmas with Croquembouche

The other four plates feature garlands of beads or lights. This cheery squirrel is scaling the string of lights.

West Elm Dapper Animals Christmas with Croquembouche

A mouse looks somewhat bemused…where does this thing end?

West Elm Dapper Animals Christmas with Croquembouche

This lounging cat of some ilk is dressed in an anorak—very cosy.

West Elm Dapper Animals Christmas with Croquembouche

Last is a playful bulldog in the “play bow”. We often see Spencer and Marigold do this just before they tear through the house in a game of Chase Me, Charlie, sending furniture flying.

West Elm Dapper Animals Christmas with Croquembouche

Our large family has lots of under-tens sitting at the table in what must sometimes seem to be an interminable meal. But Nana has a few tricks up her sleeve to rivet their attention. A dessert as a centrepiece provides an excellent incentive to finish up those boring old green beans, knowing something delightful is coming.

I was inspired to make this Doughnut Hole Croquembouche in keeping with the Animals-With-Decorations theme of this table.

While our granddaughters know that good table manners are expected, we emphasize that good manners make other people comfortable. Keep your elbows in so you don’t jostle the person beside you. Don’t speak with your mouth full because others do not need to see your half-masticated food. And Nana set the table so as not to intimidate the little people. Use flat-bottom tumblers. They’re easy for small hands to lift and replace without fear of a spill. For the grown-ups, restaurant-ware wine glasses are inexpensive and sturdy. They’re easily replaced if broken.

West Elm Dapper Animals Christmas with Croquembouche

Let’s enjoy the peaceful scene for a few minutes before we call the troops to dinner. Soon, little girls will be clamouring to choose which animal they would like to have when the Croquembouche is demolished after dinner. We will remove the dessert plates and set them aside. The little ones will pull up their chairs, already negotiating how much they need to finish before dessert. Milk, water and wine will flow, and conversation will be lively.

West Elm Dapper Animals Christmas with Croquembouche

It’s the day before Christmas Eve; our big family meal is tomorrow. We are twelve this year, which is festive and fun. Today will be filled with frosting cupcakes and any preparation that can be done in anticipation of tomorrow’s meal. The dining room table is already set— I will post that table later this week. In the meantime, our Entertablement family wishes you and yours all the joy of the holiday season and a Very Merry Christmas!

