As February gathers speed towards Valentine’s Day, rosy floral offerings snuggle up to Juliska’s Country Estate.

Juliska Country Estate Flint Pink Gingham

A couple of weeks ago, we ventured into Toronto. Of course, I had to visit my favourite floral supplier, a grocer on Bayview Avenue with a vast walk-in fridge of fresh flowers with the most heavenly scents.

The trip’s real purpose was to visit The Little Dollhouse Company, where we gathered supplies for a project involving a massive wooden Queen Anne dollhouse kit we purchased 25 years ago for our youngest daughter, Lauren. More to come on that in a later blog; suffice it to say that the kit hasn’t spoiled with keeping! But happy days! The dollhouse store is right around the corner from the grocery store, so I’m looking forward to more combination trips in the future!

The mophead chrysanthemums and spiky snapdragons demanded tall containers. So I reached for my galvanized watering can, pitcher, and Juliska’s Pewter glazed pitcher. It was natural to move from there to Country Estate by Juliska in Flint Grey.

I’ve had the pattern for donkey’s years, and I often use it in January when the world is grey. The pattern goes well with a variety of cheerful colours. A few years ago, it starred in a table with coral and orange.

Juliska’s website describes the pattern:

This enchanting collection depicts different scenes that weave a charming narrative of life on a traditional country estate. A duet with our great friend and renowned artist, Deborah Sears, in England, this collection is truly a collection of artwork.

Artwork indeed! The dinner plate depicts the main house on a fictional country estate.

Please excuse the blurriness of the boathouse scene that adorns the soup plate; the camera was focused on the flowers.

The canape plates feature four different “follies”, small buildings traditionally scattered around the parkland on country estates. They served several purposes—a visual focus point, a destination for a stroll, a summerhouse to catch the breeze on a warm summer’s day or even a studio for artistic endeavours. My favourite of these four is the summerhouse, bottom left, though the canvas tent is a close second.

Sadly, the canape plates (or party plates, as Julisa calls them) in Flint Grey are now discontinued. The blue and red sets have different scenes on them.

I had just enough room on the table to tuck the canape plates above the forks.

I thought Vagabond House’s pewter bunny salt and pepper shakers fit in well with the country estate theme, and besides, Easter is also around the corner! It’s March 31 this year, quite early.

And speaking of Easter, Vagabond House has an entire bunny collection from which to choose. I think these “Dressed Rabbits” would fit in very well on any country estate, don’t you?

Let’s visit today’s table for a last look.

Enjoy the weekend, dear readers. I hope anyone in colder climes is tucked up warm and cosy. I’m a ski widow happily enjoying some concentrated time to catch up on Entertablement, which has taken a back seat to home refreshment and renovation projects. And commune with my animal companions. The cats are ecstatic—they have taken over Glenn’s side of the bed and spread themselves out in a luxury of unaccustomed space. Dundee and Moxie will be most put out when Glenn returns, and they must shift to the bottom of the bed. Especially Dundee, whose bulk doesn’t take well to restricted space. Ahem!
